Friday, August 17, 2012

Syria's Vice President defected as CIA provided missiles to Free Syrian Army

 Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: Syria's Vice President defected as CIA provided missiles to Free Syrian Army.

Syrian Vice President Farouq al-Sharie has defected to Jordan, claimed spokesman for the Higher Revolutionary Council of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Luay al-Miqdad, in an interview on Friday.
Miqdad told Al Arabiya that two other high-ranking officers have also defected, but did not give any names.

The Syrian opposition said that Sharie has been missing for the past two days and that he did not announce his “explicit” defection until after he arrived in Jordan.
According to Miqdad, the regime of President Bashar al-Assad has been working on a scenario to make the FSA seem as the culprit behind Sharie’s “killing.

”The Mirror is reporting that CIA, Central Intelligence Agency have smuggled up to 14 Stinger missiles into Syria to aid in the rebellion against the government.

US President Barack Obama has signed a order authorizing support for Free Syrian Army .
The President Obam's order permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide assistance to help oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Assad will fall very soon!. I strongly support President Obama's decision and congratulate Saudi Arabia, Qatar,Turkey, France and UK for providing support to Free Syrian Army.
John McCain a true leader of the free world has called many times this year for the United States to lead an effort to protect the Syrian people and providing military assistance to the Free Syrian Army.

Finally the US and Free world has come around to support John McCain's call.The most powerful force in this world is free will. Russia and China has no power to support the butcher of Syrian people, the mass-murderer Bashar al-Assad.

The butcher of Syrian people, the mass-murderer Bashar al-Assad’s mafia regime has killed more than 25,000 people in Syria.
Syrian troops bombarded several areas today. More than 1500 innocent children have been killed in Syria by mass murderer Bashar al-Assad's regime.

China and Russia have a vested interest in maintaining the hegemony of Syria and Iran as they exist today. If Syria becomes a democracy, Iran loses its closest ally in the region.
If Iran becomes a democracy, now the balance of power in the Middle East has swung decidedly in the favor of democracy. This is already happening.

The anti-Assad forces are now getting more and better weapons from outside Syria as US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey and others conclude that war, not diplomacy, will end the conflict and remove Assad.
These new stinger missiles weapons will neutralize the Syrian army's weapons superiority in urban warfare.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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