Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ryan said Obama should not use Medicare as piggy bank

 Sahit Muja

Sahit Muja: Ryan said Obama should not use Medicare as piggy bank.

Paul Ryan has taken his 78-year-old mother to help him campaign in Florida at the U.S largest retirement community .
Paul Ryan said in Florida that  "Obama has cut $716 billion dollars from Medicare, to pay for Obamacare". Ryan said "Obama should not use Medicare as piggy banks".

Paul Ryan  campaigning in Florida said seniors have nothing to worry about when it comes to Medicare and Social Security if there's a Republican in the White House
The US unemployment has worsened in June, The jobless rates is up in 44 states, according to the Labor Department's monthly report on state unemployment.

After near 4 years of Obama's administration we have the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, the most debt in the history of the world, the highest levels of poverty since since 1965.
Now  the US has  the most people on food-stamps in history, and its getting worse folks.

President Obama got all this achievement for $6 trillion dollars in new debt.
No Presidency has ever inflicted as much damage on our nation's economy, $6 trillion dollars in new debt .

Obama's persistent claim that: "My economic plan has worked". Is an assault on all Americans.  With record sustained unemployment; record poverty rates; record food-stamp recipients; record accumulation of National debt; record foreclosures; record loss of median family income; record number of recent college graduates living at home. Has worked ??. No Mr. President  are Nation is on the verge of economic collapse.

It's precisely that the actions of  Obama's administration have cramped the economy. For example, in energy Obama has delayed issuance of drilling permits on federal land and in the Gulf of Mexico, denied approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, the EPA has written regulations that will prevent any modern coal fired electricity generating plants to be built and that will cause significant coal plant closures, cancelled mining permits.

President Obama also passed ObamaCare which will result in higher personnel costs. He's been threatening to raise taxes for three years in order to redistribute wealth, despite the fact that he acknowledges that it won't create additional revenues. Increasing regulations increases uncertainty and suppresses capital investment and job creation.
American people should vote in this election and send President Obama back to Chicago on the unemployment lines.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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