Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The world's best leadership achievement goes to Turkey's PM Recep Erdogan

Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: The world's best leadership achievement goes to Turkey's PM Recep Erdogan
I have known Prime Minister RecepTayyip Erdogan for many years.

I have closely followed him in his achievements and what he has done as the Prime Minister .
Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is the most powerful Turkish leader since Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who has founded the republic in 1923.

The Turkish economy booms since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) was first elected in 2002.
In the third quarter of 2011, the Turkish economy grew 8.2 percent, one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
Under Prime Minister Erdogan's leadership the Turkish economy has tripled in size since 2002.
The largest economic growth in Turkish history was from 2002 to 2011.
Turkey’s economic growth rate for the first three quarters of this year was 9.6 percent one of the fastest in the world.

The year-end economic growth for 2011 is estimated at around 9 percent.
In recent years Turkey's economic and diplomatic power has risen and is still rising.
Turkish influence has began to blossom, Turkey’s popularity has been on the rise in the Arab world.
Turkey with its flourishing democracy, and rapidly growing economic and military might have become an emerging regional and global power.

Prime Minister Recep Erdogan has succeeded in staging a soft revolution against the once powerful autocracy at home.
All these achievements made Turkey a good candidate as a “role model” to replace the despotic Arabian regimes.

Indeed, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan captured the moment by extending his strong support to Egyptian and Tunisian revolutionaries, warning Arabian leaders they should swiftly implement reforms and meet the democratic demands of their people.
Prime Minister Recep Erdogan has served as a hero in the Arab capitals he has visited.
PM Erdogan has proved himself to be a master of alliance-building.

He has exploited a power vacuum in the Middle East to transform his country into a regional and global economic and diplomatic giant.
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government is pursuing a strategy to build a globa.l political and economical influence.

Turkish companies are investing in the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Balkans, Islamic countries, EU, India, China, and Africa.
Turkey is the largest investor in Albania, Kosovo, Egypt, Bosnia, Syria, Kurdistan, Libya, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan,Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bulgaria, Romania, Afghanistan, Iraq, Qatar, and Algeria.

Turkish companies are investing worldwide in real estate, energy, food industry, construction, tourism, Internet technology, automobiles, cement, chemicals, consumer electronics, food processing, machinery, mining, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, steel, transportation equipment, textiles, jewelry, engineering goods and software, insurance sector, banking, stock markets and energy projects.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals

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