Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Qatar's Emir Hamad bin Khalifa was most successful leader in 2011

Sahit Muja: Qatar

Sahit Muja: Qatar's Emir Hamad bin Khalifa was most successful leader in 2011  
  Qatar has supported all the uprisings of the Arab Spring: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Qatar has supports the rebels with arms and money.

The Emir of Qatar has backed sending Arab troops to Syria to "stop the killing" that has claimed more than 5500 lives during a 10-month revolt.

Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani's interview  is the first public call by an Arab leader for Arab troops to deploy to Syria, where President Bashar al-Assad's regime has maintained a brutal crackdown.

Asked whether he favoured Arab nations intervening in Syria, the emir said: "For such a situation to stop the killing . . . some troops should go to stop the killing."

Qatar has best economic growth and highest per capita income in the world
 A huge increase  in oil and natural gas prices has boost Qatar’s export earnings to a record high in 2011.
 If the prices of oil and natural gas increase more Qatar’s  earnings from oil and Ngl to hit about  $100 billion dollars  in 2012.
Qatar's total export earnings have been projected to exceed $100 bn this year on the back of huge liquefied natural gas shipments.

Qatar’s oil output and NGL output has increased 8 percent in 2011.
Qatar’s latest state budget for fiscal 2011-2012 was based on a conservative oil price of around $55 a barrel.

Qatar will have a huge surplus in 2012.
Do to The high income Qatar’s government is spending to diversify its economy by expanding the scope of its exports to include petrochemicals, steel, aluminum and fertilizers
Qatar to invest in two Egyptian projects worth $20 billion to create 1.2 million jobs .

GDP growth in Qatar was 21.0% in 2011 . Qatar’s GDP grew  16 percent in 2010, while nominal GDP rose to 30 percent to reach $116 billion.

Qatar is heavily investing in infrastructure and steel demands are estimated to increase .
Albanian Minerals is working to Joint Venture with steel companies in Qatar  to produce a ferrochrome from chrome ore used in steel industry .
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals

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