Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Election 2012: Polls showed positive views of Ryan increased to 70 percent

 Sahit Muja

Sahit Muja: Election 2012: Polls showed positive views of Ryan increased to 70 percent.

A new Washington Post-ABC News survey released showed that positive views of Ryan increased 15 percent among the overall electorate.
The positive views of Ryan increased to 70 percent among conservative. The largest increase on Ryan’s favorability numbers was the 21 percent jump among conservative Republicans .
The announcement of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate is clearly galvanizing GOP voters across the country. Paul Ryan is resonating throughout the conservative movement and Republican Party is pleased with Romney's choice for running mate.

Paul Ryan represents concepts of liberty, freedom, self-reliance, and responsibility. Paul Ryan is successful in  articulating the vision and plans to restore America's greatness then they will present a very clear choice for Americans in 2012 election. Liberty vs dependence, opportunity vs entitlement.

Paul Ryan is the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, where he works to bring fiscal discipline and accountability to the federal government. He is a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, Social Security, health care and trade laws.

Paul Ryan has put forward a specific plan to tackle our looming fiscal crisis, driven by the explosion of entitlement spending. “The Path to Prosperity” helps spur job creation today, stops spending money the government doesn’t have, and lifts the crushing burden of debt. This plan puts the budget on the path to balance and the economy on the path to prosperity.

Mitt Romney's strength derives from his solid experience in understanding economy, free enterprise and having the vision to help businesses succeed and create jobs.
Governor Romney's economic formula can stabilize businesses and help them feel confident to invest and create jobs. Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation.

What Americans can confidently expect from the Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Administration:
Reapplication of the American founding principles. A rejection of the socialistic, self-destructive ideology.

Reuniting of the American people. An end to the derisive division of the American people through emphasis on sub-groups based upon religion, sexual orientation, social, status, wealth, etc. Revitalization of the American economy: A return to policies that are pro-business and that place emphasis on stimulating the private sector.

Reduction in the Federal Deficit and fiscal responsibility.Renewed confidence in the future of America . A renewed commitment to the legacy our generation will leave to future generations.
Repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Attention to the real issues that make health care so expensive, and a compassionate solution to the availability of health care for all Americans.

Reassurance of Medicare's future solvency. A restructuring of Medicare to insure that it will be sustainable for future generations. Reassurance of Social Security's future solvency. A restructuring of Social Security to insure that funds will be available for future retirees.

Return to the belief that America is the greatest nation on earth. A sincere pride in the strength of America with no apologies to other nations for America's success, and a spirit of support for the democratic way of life and the prosperity it brings. The President Obama's mythology " Yes We Can" is dead. The dream is now a nightmare.

President Obama has fallen tragically short of fulfilling prophetic legacy "Yes We Can", "Change We Can Believe In". "Fighting for poor and middle class working people". Instead of articulating a change the Obama's administration gave us bailouts REWARD failure and PUNISH success on the backs of the vulnerable hard working American people.Where are the jobs, clean air and good education under the current set up ?

President Obama has nothing to show for his 4 years except for economic devastation, $16 trillion in debt, over 45 million Americans on food stamps and 15 million unemployed. President Obama has no vision, nothing but empty promises.

Obama's “Yes, we can” rhetoric is one of the most delusional promise ever made in the world's politics. One in six Americans now officially poor, this is Obama's legacy "Change We Can Believe In".
Now President Obama has the decency to ask for votes as American people are tired of Obama's broken promises.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals.
New York.

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