Monday, February 27, 2012

Election: Romney's lead against Santorum widens.

 Sahit Muja: New York

 Sahit Muja: Election: Romney's lead against Santorum widens.
Mitt Romney now holds a 32% to 28% advantage over Rick Santorum among Republican voters nationwide in their preferences for the GOP presidential nomination.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely Republican primary voters in Michigan finds Romney with 38% support to Santorum’s 36%.
Texas Congressman Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich remain far behind with 11% and 10% of the vote respectively

In Arizona, Romney has pulled well ahead of Santorum and the rest of the presidential field, according to a separate PPP poll also conducted Sunday,the former Massachusetts governor secured 43 percent in that poll, compared to Santorum's 26 percent, Gingrich's 18 percent and Paul's 11 percent.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Monday that "Rick Santorum is ill-prepared to deal with the nation's economic woes, calling his GOP rival a nice guy who never held a job in the private sector"

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who is backing Romney, told CNN he was confident that Romney would win Tuesday’s primaries, in Michigan and McCain’s home state of Arizona, and that Super Tuesday would all but seal the nomination.

Romney’s wealth is a testament to his skills and abilities. We need his business savvy to boost our national wealth. His honesty, determination, exceptional intelligence and knowledge combined with his private business experience are what we nee to clean up the mess in Washington.

Another insider like Santorum will only bring us more deficit spending and big government control. I trust Romney’s commitment to individual liberty and traditional American values.
Republican presidential race has taken another turn, this time in Mitt Romney's favor. 

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals

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