Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A 2 billion Muslims are under attack, is's time to start a jihad holy war.

 Sahit Muja: Saudi Arabia

Sahit Muja: A 2 billion Muslims are under attack, is's time to start a jihad holy war.

 Every single day countles of Muslims, Man, Woman and Children are killed at the hands of Muslims.
 The killer always blaming others and laid the blame on America and Western world.
It's not America's fault!

Is time for all Muslims to act and call a"jihad" holy war against tyranny, dictators, corrupted kings and terrorism.

Islam is in fact a religion that promotes peace and understanding among people of all faiths, and it strongly prohibits all forms of violence and aggression against all people regardless of their faith or race.

Islam strongly condemned terrorism and extremism, and warned of strict punishment for those who unjustifiably spilled blood.

Contrary to the common belief that is embodied in the misinterpretation of "jihad" as "holy war," Islamic jihad does not refer solely to fighting in the way of Allah. This, in fact, is a special case of jihad.

The Qur'anic concept of jihad refers to  fight against people that are killing the You, The family, Muslim believers. And The Jihad is to fight against agretion only  to defand the life and the religion for the sake of Allah  in Arabic  means One God.

This Permission to fight is that Muslims can be fighting back armed aggression, The holy Quran permits only a defensive fight.

The near 2 billion Muslims believe the Holy Quran is the living word of God.  

I am Muslim American with infinite love for Peace, Islam and  U.S of America
 I want 2 billion Muslims to protest against  the Thousands of innocent people killed this year from religious bigotry and radicals. Religious bigotry is the world's greatest danger.

The problem in U.S, Europe, India, Iraq, Pakistan, Israel and Afghanistan is that some people have violated the rights of God to people. They have tortured and killed men of God and violated human rights by raising the sword and calling it Jihad. The corruption is rife and man has become a beast.

The practice of attacking the people in The US, Israel, India, Iran, UK, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan which they name as Jihad, is not the lawful jihad rather it contradicts the word of God and Prophet, and is utter sin.

Intolerance and bigotry and dogmatism are the bitterest enemies of all People upon earth. They make religion a tyrant and a persecutor. All religions come from one and the only God . All religions open their hearts to the same God .

Man has no right to demand that his neighbors shall address God after his pattern and shall pray in his own way and worship according to his liking and sacrifice unto God in the manner he does. It is for God to decide who amongst us is best in His sight".

As Albanian- American Muslim myself I have repeatedly warned Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq and other Muslin nation that some institutions and mosques are hotbeds of Islamist radicalization.
Some of the institutions are making Islam religion a Tyrant and a Persecutor.

All religions come from one and the only God.
All religions make man equally good upon earth . All open their hearts to the same God .
Muslim people has no right to demand that other religions shall address God after Muslim pattern.

Religious freedom is granted by God and Man shall pray in his own way and worship according to his liking and sacrifice unto God in the manner he does. It is for God to decide who amongst us is best in His side. No man have a right to judge others for their believes.

Is God who will judge all of us.
It is time for mosques and relevant government bodies take on greater responsibility for the extremism that takes place in their own backyards. Is time for all Muslims to act against terrorism, Is time for all Muslim Government's to take responsibility.

Killing innocent people is a crime against God and all his Creation The majority of Muslims will find this crime  despicable. The principle of taking up arms in order to impose a single religious interpretation on others is at the core of Al-Qaeda’s jihadist ideology.
Muslims worldwide do not need Al-Qaeda’s  lecturing us on God and other religions.

 It is time for Muslims to stop planting the seeds of hate against others,. Since Islam is the religion of peace than stop preaching hate against others in mosques and madrases. Is a old say in Tropoje, Albania in  Albanian "What you plant you will harvest.
Sahit Muja
President & CEO
Albanian Minerals

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