Friday, October 5, 2012

Albania sold largest oil reserves in Europe for $1.2 billion to US company

 Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: Albania sold largest oil reserves in Europe for $1.2 billion to US company.
Albania has sold its state-owned Albpetrol oil company for $1.1 billion to the U.S. and Singapore company Vetro Energy consortium.
Prime Minister Sali Berisha says the deal will allow Vetro Energy to explore and exploit offshore oil and gas fields, build a refinery, and transport and distribute natural gas in Albania for 25 years.
Albaniaian state-owned Albpetrol, based in Patos, Albania has six oil fields, four gas fields, and 3,000 oil wells out of which around 1,200 are in operation.

The Prime minister of Albania Sali Berisha has embraced ambitious plans to power Albania on oil, gas, coal and renewable green sources of energy.
Albania has a huge potential in oil, natural gas and renewable green energy from hydro-power, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. Albania has the largest proven oil reserves in Europe and large reserves of natural gas and coal.

Albania has a huge natural potential to be one of the world’s most important laboratory of green energy.
The Albanian Government has paved the way for billions of dollars to be invested in infrastructure, energy and green power projects. Prime Minister Berisha has been committed to make Albania a energy powerhouse in Europe.
Under Mr.Berisha's leadership the Albanian economy continues to grow with the best rate in Europe.
In the last 7 years under PM Berisha's leadership Albania has the world's largest increase in Tourism about 1000% .
The Albanian government is heavily investing in infrastructure, building roads and crating excellent climate for investors.
Albania has one of the lowest tax systems in the world with only a 10% flat rate.
In the political front Mr. Berisha has led Albania to become a member of NATO and approved visa liberalization with the European Union.

Albanian Minerals sees metals, minerals oil, gas, coal, green energy as an important part of their business and investment strategies.
The Hydropower Albania accounts for 90% of electricity produced while 10% is produced in small thermal power plants. .

The Albanian hydro potential is considered to currently be exploited at only 40%.
Large Hydropower projects under development. Albania has the potential to build 2000 hydro-power plants. Wind and solar energy sources have the greatest potential after hydro-power.

Albania has huge wind green energy potential from powerful winds from low sea levels to the Alps. Albania has some of the strongest winds in Europe. Albania has incredible potential in solar energy.
The Mediterranean country has one of the best numbers of the sunny days in the world.
Sahit Muja
New York

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney knocked out Obama in debate leads the polls by 42%

Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: Romney knocked out Obama in debate leads the polls by 42%
Mitt Romney leads President Obama in all polls, Romney won the first presidential debate.
A CNN/ORC International poll of 430 people who watched the debate showed 67% thought Romney won, compared to 25% for Obama.

CBS News poll, uncommitted voters agreed 2 to 1 that Mitt Romney beat President Obama in the first presidential debate.

President Obama looked like a deer caught in the headlights in the first presidential debate. Romney destroyed Obama point for point in the debate. It was almost painful to watch our current president get dismantled in that way.

The debate was a slam dunk by Romney - even the liberal networks published polls showing viewers believe Romney won v Obama by a 2:1 margin

Obama just got his ... kicked and his supporters are in a panic. Without someone feeding Obama information on a teleprompter, he couldn't speak on economics because he doesn't understand anything about the subject. Obama eyes were dark and grim looking which made them stand out like a deer with the headlights in them.

Obama swore he would go through the "budget" line by line from day one and save trillions in waste, fraud, duplication, obsolescence, pork, earmarks, failed agencies, failed programs and massive amounts of people with jobs that are unnecessary and, or a waste of taxpayer money to "halve the deficit in 4 years".

Despite promising to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term, President Obama has presided over four consecutive years of trillion-dollar deficits. At the end of September, President Obama had added more than $5.4 trillion to the debt. If that weren’t enough, the President’s own budget proposes adding another $9.2 trillion over the next decade.

Unless the President plans for the country to default on its debt, that’s borrowed money that we have to pay back. Based on the current population, our nation’s +$16 trillion debt adds up to more than $51,000 in taxes for every man, woman and child in the country.

How does the President propose to deal with our fiscal crisis? That’s a good question. The short answer is that he doesn’t have a plan.

Under the President’s budget, the national debt would increase to $20 trillion at the end of a second Obama Administration.
Imagine a country with a limitless credit card supported by yearly "bumps" in the debt ceiling has No budget, No plan, No idea of how close to collapse we are!
How can even those with little intellect "buy this farm" that Obama tells you is better off than 4 years ago? There is Not one economic statistic to support the lie.

President Obama has record high unemployment, record high poverty rates, record high food-stamp recipients, record high accumulation of National debt, record high foreclosures, record high loss of median family income and record high number of recent unemployment for college graduates, record high gas prices, record high food prices, record high insurance premiums and record high devaluation of US dollar.

The unemployment is above 8.1% for 44 months, despite the nearly $6 trillion dollar in Obama's new debt.

Fewer Americans are working today than when President Obama took office.Twenty three million Americans are unable to find jobs or are underemployed. A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office

The US lost its perfect AAA credit rating and the U.S slips to number 7 in global competitiveness for business environment under Obama.
The U.S economy is poised on the edge of a fiscal cliff leading from unemployment, unsustainable debt accumulation.

Forty-seven million Americans are suffering economic deprivation.

The U.S Nation's National Security is facing traumatic repercussions from Obama' policies. The U.S Southern border is open as a gateway to the most violent criminals and terrorists.

The US is under siege by terrorist fanatical groups of anarchists across the globe. The attacks on U.S. embassies have escalated across the world.

President Obama have Socialized Healthcare, abhorrent taxation, thousands of regulations, redistribution of income and services with much worse to come.

President Obama's proposed solution to reducing the deficit, "tax the rich" solution will only fund the government for about 8 days.

The Obama's "Dream" is now being stripped bare and shown for what it is, a class warfare nightmare for the US economy. President Obama's taxing of the rich plan won't solve the deficit, He could confiscate the entire wealth of America's top 400 wealthiest people $1.7 trillion dollars and it wouldn't put much of a dent in our +$16 trillion deficit. President Obama's proposed solution to reducing the deficit, "tax the rich" solution will only fund the government for about 8 days.

Presidential debate Romney vs Obama fair questions about Obama's vision and his record.

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will go head to head on the first presidential debate of the 2012 election at the University of Denver in Colorado tonight.

The focus of the event will be on domestic policy and it will be moderated by PBS NewsHour Executive Editor Jim Lehrer.

My fair questions about Obama's vision and his record.

Mr. President being equal may be your idea of justice, does justice mean fairness, Justice means people get what they deserve. Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome?

Mr. President: Why is there a record Forty-seven million Americans of on food stamps and other welfare programs under your administration?.

Why is there a +$16 trillion deficit and You have near $6 trillion deficit? Why You are increasing an average of $3.85 billion debt per day?

Why you promise to cut annual federal budget deficits in half by the end of your term?

Why is unemployment above 8.1% for 44 months, despite the nearly $6 trillion dollar in new debt?

Why is there a record high foreclosures and record high loss of median family income?

Why twenty three million Americans are unable to find jobs or are underemployed?

Why is there a record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since you took office?

Mr. President. Do you, or do you not, support the institutional redistribution of wealth in the USA?

Why are you currently asserting executive privilege in Fast & Furious, if you have nothing to hide?
Why are you seemingly incapable of saying the words ‘terrorist attack’ when terrorists attack the US?

Why is your Labor Dept instructing US defense contractors not to mail out Layoff Notices required by law?

Why did you hide the true cost and new taxes of Obamacare from voters?
Why are you allowing Iran the time it needs to develop a nuclear weapons?

Why did you change on the last minute and endorse gay-marriage?

Why did you signed a last minute executive order to create amnesty for a sizable percentage of the illegal immigrants?

Why are you closing coal plants when home electricity costs are skyrocketing for the middle class, and unemployment is over 8%?
Why are you blocking US oil drilling and the Keystone Pipeline when gas prices are almost $4 a gallon?
Why does your administration refuse to sell the GM shares owned by the US taxpayers?

Mr. President. Your administration lied and 4 Americans died, how can you sleep at night Mr. President?

Mr. President: Where did Obama's "Hope and Change" go?. President Obama's taxing of the rich plan won't solve the deficit...He could confiscate the entire wealth of America's top 400 wealthiest people $1.7 trillion dollars and it wouldn't put much of a dent in our +$16 trillion deficit?

Mr. President Your proposed solution to reducing the deficit, "tax the rich" solution will only fund the government for about 8 days?

Mr. President You said if You was elected president, the average American family's yearly health insurance premiums would go down by $2,500. According to the Kaiser Health Foundation's study, the average American family's yearly health insurance premiums have gone UP by more than $2,700 since Obama was elected?

Mr. President. Why The US lost its perfect AAA credit rating and the U.S slips to number 7 in global competitiveness for business environment under Obama?

Mr. President. Why The U.S Nation's National Security is facing traumatic repercussions from Obama' policies, The U.S Southern border is a sieve, open as a gateway to the most violent criminals?

Mr. President Why you promised Russia "more flexibility"? President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility". President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir"???

Mr. President. Why does your administration continue to funnel taxpayer dollars to “green energy” companies run by Democrat donation bundlers just months before they file for bankruptcy?

We need to rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation.

Romney is a better leader, a more effective communicator, a proven entrepreneur and a clear choice when put up directly against Obama.
Sahit Muja
New York

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential debate Romney vs Obama fair questions about Obama's vision and his record.

Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: Presidential debate Romney vs Obama fair questions about Obama's vision and his record.
President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will go head to head on the first presidential debate of the 2012 election at the University of Denver in Colorado tonight.

The focus of the event will be on domestic policy and it will be moderated by PBS NewsHour Executive Editor Jim Lehrer.
My fair questions about Obama's vision and his record.

Mr. President being equal may be your idea of justice, does justice mean fairness, Justice means people get what they deserve. Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome?

Mr. President: Why is there a record Forty-seven million Americans of on food stamps and other welfare programs under your administration?.
Why is there a $16.060 trillion deficit and You have near $6 trillion deficit. Why You are increasing an average of $3.85 billion debt per day.

Why you promise to cut annual federal budget deficits in half by the end of your term?.
Why is unemployment above 8.1% for 44 months, despite the nearly $6 trillion dollar in new debt?.

Why is there a record high foreclosures and record high loss of median family income?
Why twenty three million Americans are unable to find jobs or are underemployed?.

Why is there a record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since you took office?.
Mr President; Do you, or do you not, support the institutional redistribution of wealth in the USA?

Why are you currently asserting executive privilege in Fast & Furious, if you have nothing to hide?
Why are you seemingly incapable of saying the words ‘terrorist attack’ when terrorists attack the US?
Why is your Labor Dept instructing US defense contractors not to mail out Layoff Notices required by law?

Why did you hide the true cost and new taxes of Obamacare from voters?
Why are you allowing Iran the time it needs to develop a nuclear weapons?
Why did you change on the last minute and endorse gay-marriage?

Why did you signed a last minute executive order to create amnesty for a sizable percentage of the illegal immigrants?.
Why are you closing coal plants when home electricity costs are skyrocketing for the middle class, and unemployment is over 8%?
Why are you blocking US oil drilling and the Keystone Pipeline when gas prices are almost $4 a gallon?
Why does your administration refuse to sell the GM shares owned by the US taxpayers?”

Mr. President. Your administration lied and 4 Americans died, how can you sleep at night Mr. President?
Mr. President: Where did Obama's "Hope and Change" go?. President Obama's taxing of the rich plan won't solve the deficit...He could confiscate the entire wealth of America's top 400 wealthiest people $1.7 trillion dollars and it wouldn't put much of a dent in our +$16 trillion deficit?

Mr. President Your proposed solution to reducing the deficit, "tax the rich" solution will only fund the government for about 8 days?
Mr. President You said if You was elected president, the average American family's yearly health insurance premiums would go down by $2,500. According to the Kaiser Health Foundation's study, the average American family's yearly health insurance premiums have gone UP by more than $2,700 since Obama was elected?.

Mr. President. Why The US lost its perfect AAA credit rating and the U.S slips to number 7 in global competitiveness for business environment under Obama.
Mr. President. Why The U.S Nation's National Security is facing traumatic repercussions from Obama' policies. The U.S Southern border is a sieve, open as a gateway to the most violent criminals.

Mr. President Why you promised Russia "more flexibility"? President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility". President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir".
Mr. President. Why does your administration continue to funnel taxpayer dollars to “green energy” companies run by Democrat donation bundlers just months before they file for bankruptcy?
Sahit Muja
New York

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Christie convey relevant message that strike Obama's re- election chances

Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: Christie convey relevant message that strike Obama's re- election chances.
Chris Christie is resonating with American voters requirements for leadership. No one can deny the quality and sincerity of what Ann Romney and Chris Christie said last night.

You may not agree with their conservative positions. You may believe that the key to our future is more tax revenue and more government support. What you can’t do is deny that they honesty expressed their beliefs.
I can’t think of anything more boring that listing to a speech where every other sentence mentions the candidate.

Chris Christie’s job was to tell the American people that the concepts behind the
Republican economic platform can work and did in New Jersey.
There is no more relevant or important message for the Republican party to convey.Leadership delivers. Leadership counts, and leadership matters," Christie said, recounting his own record of reforms as a GOP governor in a majority Democratic state.

"Mitt Romney will tell us the truths we need to hear" and solve the problems worsened by an "era of absentee leadership in the White House," he added.

“You see, Mr. President: Real leaders don’t follow polls; real leaders change polls. That’s what we need to do now,”Christie said, prompting a standing ovation from the crowd.
If Mitt Romney does half as well at picking his cabinet as he did in picking his wife, we will all be well served.

Obama's hope and hype: The Obama's mythology " Yes We Can" has lured tens of millions to vote for Obama in 2008. The dream is dead. This dream is now a nightmare.

President Obama has fallen tragically short of fulfilling prophetic legacy "Yes We Can", "Change We Can Believe In", "fighting for poor and middle class working people"
Instead of articulating a change the Obama's administration gave us national debt near $16 trillion. The biggest debt increase by a president in US and world's history.
The debt for US citizen is $50,874.00. Unemployment is above 8.2% for 42 months, despite the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus".

The country has had the longest streak of +8.2% unemployment since the Depression under Obama.The unemployment was 4.6% in January 2007 when Democrat Congress took over.
Americans on food stamps have increased 42% to 46 million, that is 1 out of every 7 Americans are poor.

Higher gas prices at the pump, cost of living going is up, average U.S. worker salaries going down and higher cost for heath care.
National security leaks, operation Fast and Furious. The unemployment is 8.5% or more and up in 44 states .The US credit rating downgraded for the first time in history

President Obama has fewest contacts with key members of Congress, fewest meeting with business leaders, fewest chief adviser's who have really private sector experience.
President Obama has most campaign stops, most fund raisers, most golf rounds, most vacations in U.S history.

President Obama has forced “Obamacare” down our throats despite majority of Americans were opposed to it. President has stopped the Keystone pipeline that would have created thousands of jobs.
Obama has provided half a billion tax payer’s dollars to Solyndra, of which promptly turned into a failure. Obama was traveling the globe to publicly apologize for America’s world leadership.

Obama administration the "Fast and Furious" scandal. Obama administration filed lawsuit against Arizona for enforcing immigration laws.

Home foreclosures per year have increased by 34% from 850,000 to 1,140,000. Total bankruptcy filings per year have increased by 42% from 1,117,641 to 1,593,081.
The US dollar compared to gold has declined near 100%, gold was $ 815.00 ounce in Nov, 2008 to $1667 an ounce today.

The US economy is languishing under the weight of failing leadership, regulation, red tape and political correctness.

We need energy independence, real tax reform and an end to reckless spending that defies any sense of logic.
Republican economic platform can work and did work with Chris Christie’s leadership in New Jersey.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

Ann Romney and Christie's stunning speeches to knockout Obama's reelection chances

Ann Romney
Sahit Muja: Ann Romney and Christie's stunning speeches to knockout Obama's reelection chances.
Ann Romney speech was stunning and most beautiful speech in the GOP history. One of my favorite speeches ever made.

Ann Romney speech will be remembered as one of the greatest speeches ever made by the wife of the US presidential candidate.
"Behind Every Successful Man There Is A Woman" and Yes Ann Romney's stunning speech will help Mitt Romney to become the President of USA.

Ann Romney urged voters to “get to know” her husband and told them, “You can trust Mitt.”
“You may not agree with Mitt’s positions on issues or his politics,” Ann Romney said in a nationally broadcast speech on the first day of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. “But let me say this to every American who is thinking about who should be our next president:

No one will work harder, no one will care more, and no one will move heaven and earth like Mitt Romney to make this country a better place to live.” At every turn in his life, this man I met at a high school dance has helped lift up others,” Ann Romney said.

“This is the man who will wake up every day with the determination to solve the problems that others say can’t be solved, to fix what others say is beyond repair".
"This is the man who will work harder than anyone so that we can work a little less hard.” Ann Romney said.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said “It’s time to end this era of absentee leadership in the Oval Office and send real leaders back to the White House,”.

Obama and the Democrats have “coddled”Americans with “big government” and failed to tell them the truth about the challenges facing the nation and the actions needed to address them, he said. Leadership delivers.

Leadership counts, and leadership matters," Christie said, recounting his own record of reforms as a GOP governor in a majority Democratic state.

"Mitt Romney will tell us the truths we need to hear" and solve the problems worsened by an "era of absentee leadership in the White House," he added.

“You see, Mr. President: Real leaders don’t follow polls; real leaders change polls. That’s what we need to do now,”Christie said, prompting a standing ovation from the crowd.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

Monday, August 27, 2012

Biden and Isaac plan failed to crash GOP convention in Florida

Sahit Muja 

Sahit Muja: Biden and Isaac plan failed to crash GOP convention in Florida.
The Tropical Storm Isaac passed far off-shore from Southwest Florida and did little damage to the region. Vice President Joe Biden is postponing his planned trip to Florida because of Tropical Storm Isaac.

Joe Biden might be a gaffe machine, but he's also well-informed By President Obama's campaign what to say.
I believe "going to put y'all back in chains" "gaffe" from Joe Biden are planned by Obama. Joe Biden is a front man for Obama to take GOP off topic in this election as Obama has no record to run on.

But they have figured out that they can prevent the Republicans from getting a message out there with Biden's gaffs. Joe Biden has been in hot water after saying, in a speech, that Republicans are "going to put y'all back in chains"
America is tired of the spin, the lies, the deception, the bait and switch, the pandering to voters. In short,Americans have grown tired of the Obama administration, and in not seeing the "change" they were promised.

The only change we have seen is bad to worse over the past four years. This was not exactly how Obama sold it to us back in '08, was it?. America is tired of waiting around for Obama to learn how to be president
To really get to know Obama is to realize that his only real skill is giving speeches, with a teleprompter.

In this regard, Obama has a lot in common with Facebook. They are both all about hope and hype. But once you get to actually see the business model, there is nothing left to do but sell short.

We do not need, want or desire a second Obama, we need a president with business experience, someone that knows how to put a budget in place, work within a budget. We need a president that does not squander more than $1 trillion on special interest groups and have nothing to show for it.

We need a President that is honest with the American People and not make promises that he/she never had any intention of keeping. We need a president that gets reelected on his accomplishment and not on bashing the other guy.

Would you hire someone with President Obama's current job resume?
Growing national deficit will be $16 trillion in days, the biggest increase by a president in history.The debt for US citizen is $50,874.00. Unemployment is above 8.2% for 42 months, despite the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus".

The country has had the longest streak of +8.2% unemployment since the Depression under Obama.The unemployment was 4.6% in January 2007 when Democrat Congress took over.
Americans on food stamps have increased 42% to 46 million, that is 1 out of every 7 Americans are on food stamps.

Higher gas prices at the pump, cost of living going is up, average U.S. worker salaries going down and higher cost for heath care.
National security leaks, operation Fast and Furious. The unemployment is 8.5% or more and up in 44 states The US credit rating downgraded for the first time in history.

President Obama has fewest contacts with key members of Congress, fewest meeting with business leaders, fewest chief adviser's who have really private sector experience.
President Obama has most campaign stops, most fund raisers, most golf rounds, most vacations in U.S history.

President Obama has forced “Obamacare” down our throats despite majority of Americans were opposed to it. President has stopped the Keystone pipeline that would have created thousands of jobs.

Obama has provided half a billion tax payer’s dollars to Solyndra, of which promptly turned into a failure. Obama was traveling the globe to publicly apologize for America’s world leadership.
Obama administration the "Fast and Furious" scandal. Obama administration filed lawsuit against Arizona for enforcing immigration laws.

Home foreclosures per year have increased by 34% from 850,000 to 1,140,000. Total bankruptcy filings per year have increased by 42% from 1,117,641 to 1,593,081.
The US dollar compared to gold has declined near 100%, gold was $ 815.00 ounce in Nov, 2008 to $1667 an ounce today.

Obama thrives on division and fueling hatred. Obama said he was going to bring America together, but he's built his campaign and career as president by dividing it.
This time around Mr. Obama is running on bashing the others . President Obama has divided the nation, engaged in class warfare, and attacked the free-enterprise.

President Obama, in a speech to supporters, suggested business owners owe their success to government investment in infrastructure and other projects, saying “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that" Obama has never run any business much less built it from the ground up.
According to Obama there is a war on women, war on minorities and the war on college kids, "going to put y'all back in chains"
Obama has no record to run on and I have 16 Trillion reasons why I am NOT voting for Obama.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Election 2012: A 16 Trillion reasons not voting for Obama

 Sahit Muja

Sahit Muja: Election 2012: A 16 Trillion reasons not voting for Obama.
Would you hire someone with this job resume?
Growing national deficit will be $16 trillion in days, the biggest increase by a president in history.The debt for US citizen is $50,874.00. Unemployment is above 8.2% for 42 months, despite the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus".

The country has had the longest streak of +8.2% unemployment since the Depression under Obama.The unemployment was 4.6% in January 2007 when Democrat Congress took over.
Americans on food stamps have increased 42% to 46 million, that is 1 out of every 7 Americans are on food stamps.

 Higher gas prices at the pump, cost of living going is up, average U.S. worker salaries going down and higher cost for heath care.
 National security leaks, operation Fast and Furious. The unemployment is 8.5% or more and up in 44 states .The US credit rating downgraded for the first time in history

President Obama has fewest contacts with key members of Congress, fewest meeting with business leaders, fewest chief adviser's who have really private sector experience.
President Obama has most campaign stops, most fund raisers, most golf rounds, most vacations in  U.S history.

President Obama has forced “Obamacare” down our throats despite majority of Americans were opposed to it. President has stopped the Keystone pipeline that would have created thousands of jobs  .

Obama has provided half a billion tax payer’s dollars to Solyndra, of which promptly turned into a failure. Obama was traveling the globe to publicly apologize for America’s world leadership.

Obamas administration sold guns to drug runners used to kill our border control agents (the "Fast and Furious" scandal). Obama's administration filed lawsuit against Arizona for enforcing immigration laws.

Home foreclosures per year have increased by 34% from 850,000 to 1,140,000. Total bankruptcy filings per year have increased by 42% from 1,117,641 to 1,593,081.
The US dollar compared to gold has declined near 100%, gold was $  815.00 ounce in Nov, 2008 to $1667 an ounce today.
Obama thrives on division and fueling hatred. Obama said he was going to bring America together, but he's built his campaign and career as president by dividing it.

This time around Mr. Obama is running as the war president. President Obama has divided the nation, engaged in class warfare, and attacked the free-enterprise.

President Obama, in a speech to supporters, suggested business owners owe their success to government investment in infrastructure and other projects, saying “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that" Obama has never run any business much less built it from the ground up.

According to Obama there is a war on women, war on minorities and the war on college kids, "going to put y'all back in chains"  
Obama has no record to run on and I have 16 Trillion reasons why I am NOT voting for Obama.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York